my feet kind of hurt and after this I'm going to eat chicken. no need for a real entry today. SURVEY SURVEY!
Ten Favorites!
01. televison show: project runway. i think i might watch Season 1 on dvd tonight!
02. flower: gerbera daisies, orchids, non-red roses
03. color: pink
04. sport: volleybal or soccer
05. mall: around here, menlo park mall, but i'm missing garden state plaza!
06. music: indie rock, some hardcore, new wave, junk
07. food: avacadoes
08. season: spring sans allergies
09. animal: french bulldogs
10. city: new york what else is there?
Ten Facts!
01. hometown: i live in princeton, but my hometown will always be Bloomfield.
02. hair color: black, dark brown in the sun
03. hair length: a little past my shoulders. i got it cut before graduation and didn't realize how long it effing got.
04. hair style: straight
06. shoe size: 8
07. mood: tired and hungry
08. Orientation: straight
09. available?: i guess.
10. lefty/righty: righty
ten things about your love life;
01. have you ever been in love: yes
02. do you believe in love: yes
03. why did your last relationship fail: see last entry. failure is so harsh sounding though.
04. have you ever been heartbroken: yes
05. have you ever broken someone's heart: oouf, yes.
06. have you ever fallen for your best friend: no
07. have you ever loved someone but never told them: no, i don't think so.
08. are you afraid of commitment: if we're talking wedding bells and settling down and playing wifey, then no, not right now. but relationships are nice
09. have you ever kissed someone you liked: yes
10. have you ever had a secret admirer: i guess.
10 things this or that
01. love or lust: love
02. hard liquor or beer: lately, i've been loving beer. new castle, yuengling, and stella. oh man. i have a stella downstairs....hmmmm.
03. night or day: i'm becoming a day person slowly
04. one night stands or relationships: relationships
05. televison or internet:internet is for PORN.
06. pepsi or coke: diet whatever
07. wild night out or romantic night in: lets have some more wild nights out, ladies.
08. colored or black and white: black and white pictures melt my heart.
09. phone or in person: in person, not much of a phone person.
10. aim or myspace: myspace
10 have you evers;
01. have you ever been caught sneaking out: sneaking out for a cigarette @ home, yes
02. have you ever skinny dipped: no
03. have you ever done something you regret: no
04. have you ever bungee jumped: no
05. have you ever been on a house boat: who owns houseboats nowadays? except those who live in the Netherlands
06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: i was facinated with jawbreakers when i was younger and reading the Baby sitters club because all they would talk about were the effing layers, but i could never see them aka the candy all melded into one giant sugar ball
07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt: i've gotten 'blue balls' before. haha.
09. have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: no
10. have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything: no. thank goodness. oouf.
Ten Are You...
01. are you missing someone right now: sort of
02. are you happy: work in progress
03. are you talking to anyone right now: no
04. are you bored: aha.
05. are you german: no
06. are you irish: no, i have a feeling this leads to "Well, Would you want any in you?" haha. get it? it's dirty.
07. are you french: no, but i love Audrey Tatou
08. are you Italian: no
09. are your parents still married: yes
10. do you like someone right now: maybe
Ten years ago, it was 1996.
Take this survey, post the results, and see how many things have changed since then.
1) How old were you?
THEN: 13
NOW: 23
2) Where did you go to school?
THEN: Bloomfield Middle School
NOW: graduated Rutgers U. this month
3) Where did you work?
THEN: nowhere, didn't start working until I was 14-15
NOW: Barnes and Noble. oouf.
4) Where did you live?
THEN: 106 Grove Street, Bloomfield NJ
NOW: Princeton, NJ
5) How was your hairstyle?
THEN: shoulder length...frizzy...peroxide-out...train wreck
NOW: medium lenght, better taken care of, black
6) Did you wear braces?
THEN: yes
NOW: no
7) Did you wear contacts?
THEN: nope
NOW: yes
8) Did you wear glasses?
THEN: nyes
NOW: i switch it up with contacts, esp after i got some effing Prada cute ones
9) Who was/were your best friend(s)?
THEN: Megha, Maria, Lillie
NOW: Megha, Emily, Beth, my gang from HS, some others, Lillie is one of closer friends too
10) Which of your pets were still alive?
THEN: n/a
NOW: n/a
11) Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend?
THEN: i was a loser
NOW: single.
12) Who was your celebrity crush?
THEN: mike vitar, joshua jackson, tom cruise, i dunno
NOW: jason scwartzman, jake gyllenhaal
13) Who was your regular-person crush?
THEN: haha Mike Vargas. oouf.
NOW: not saying.
14) How many piercings did you have?
THEN: one whole in each ear
NOW: three in each ear
15) How many tattoos did you have?
THEN: None
NOW: one shitty one that needs to be fixed.
16) What was/were your favorite band(s)/singer(s)?
THEN: mariah carey, Notorious BIG, reggae, Smashing Pumpkins
NOW: rilo kiley, death cab for cutie, joy division, smashing pumpkins still up there, others
17) Had you smoked a cigarette?
THEN: no.
NOW: do i ever.
18) Had you gotten drunk?
THEN: no
NOW: oooouf.
19) Had you DRIVEN YET?
THEN: no
NOW: yes
20) If so which car?
THEN: ...
NOW: my dex.
21) Looking back, are you where you thought you would be in 2006? done with college, living in an apartment, being a physical therapist or something like that. I guess I have one goal done...don't want to be PT anymore though.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
hmmm. so i've been 23 for a month, now...I don't feel entirely too different. You would think the age would have had some time to sink in. But then again, so much has changed within this month-obv I'm in a big turning point in my life.
Gary and I are no more. Well, at least for now. I've heard he's an all or nothing type of guy. I was responisible for it; I've realized I needed some time to think about things...I've been having fun, meeting people, etc. I don't think I'm ready for such a serious relationship. I thought I was, and maybe I was hiding my feelings for a while...I never gave the chance to second-guess this until now. I cried when I told him; he told me I didn't love him anymore. I do. I only want good things for him...and right now, I don't think I can be it. I haven't cried since (this was about three .5 weeks ago) and at certain times, I feel like I'm on the verge of tears. But I don't cry. Maybe getting older means you get colder with your feelings. As trite as this may sound, it's probably part of growing up. I was hesitant to call myself single for a while...I guess I am. I've been feeling secure in my decision...but I can't help but think that I might just develop some sort of shell and not let anybody else in. It feels like eternity since I've been single, and frankly, I don't know how to go about the whole dating scene. Time will only tell.
Meanwhile, I've moved back to my parents' house. It's weird, I'm kind of liking the fact that the kitchen is clean, there is always toliet paper, and parking is availble. My parents and I are pretty cool with each other; like if I'm going out, I just need to let them know if I'm coming home late or what have you. I'm somewhat anxious about other issues, like the fact that I might develop a sex life in the future and how they will deal with that. Maybe it's better that they don't know.
My room is slightly less messy that I expected. My parents went to great lengths to provide me storage space, and we have a decently sized house, but a lot of my stuff is scattered. It took me all of Sunday night to unpack my clothes; I've done about 10 loads of laundry...I have too many tee-shirts. I filled more than enough bags with consignment/donation/future online selling items; clothes, shoes, junk. I've gone through my early teenage years; dating way back from middle school -shoesboxes filled with notes, greeting cards, wallet sized school pics, programs, etc etc. I wonder what is the protocol to get rid of those things...part of me just wants to junk to be out, but I remember days when I would go and shuffle through the boxes and laugh, be disgusted, or cry about the pieces of paper. I guess as long as there is room in my closets for them, there they shall stay.
I got up entirely too early today, went to McDonald's for breakfast, had lots of iced coffee, went to work for 5 hours. I am exhausted. Is this what happens now? It's weird, since I've been out of school, I've lost all track of time. Days go by really quickly. I can't decipher if today is Tuesday or Thursday. As you can tell from past entries, I've been reading a lot. Right now I took out a book from work, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel. Its a graphic novel biography. I'm liking it so far, though I'm only on page 5. I'm also re-reading The Great Gatsby. Second time around, I've really come to appreciate it. I also picked up Sarah Vowell's Take the Cannoli. I am loving all the time I have to read.
I want to nap! oouf. I was going to start my exercise regiment today, but seeing that I have just soo much to do I think it would be best to leave it until I come back from vacation. haha.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
her space holiday-the young machines...listen to it if you're not already.
So, I just moved some more stuff home...well, it's all still in my car, and I'm waiting for my brother to get home to help me, haha. It'll just be easier that way. I'm so gross right now. Anyway...
I got one of the books I ordered from amazon today when I got back to my parents: Donny Miller's Beautiful People with Beautiful Feelings. It is an art book, and I AM IN LOVE with him...his art is so provacative and witty, reminds me of Lichenstein I bit, but modern, and etc etc. Some of the shit makes me laugh out loud, and some are just kind of sad because it is true. Please check out his website: www.donnymiller.com. I ordered some other stuff, including a Sedaris book (I've never read him) and also a charger for my long ass plane ride. I wish I could dl some movies onto my ipod, since that's what it's built for (I have the newest one) but since I don't have a comp, etc etc. I did upload a bunch of music last night, including the Miss Saigon, Les Mis, and Evita soundtracks...haha solo sing-a-longs will ensue. Oouf.
So, I just moved some more stuff home...well, it's all still in my car, and I'm waiting for my brother to get home to help me, haha. It'll just be easier that way. I'm so gross right now. Anyway...
I got one of the books I ordered from amazon today when I got back to my parents: Donny Miller's Beautiful People with Beautiful Feelings. It is an art book, and I AM IN LOVE with him...his art is so provacative and witty, reminds me of Lichenstein I bit, but modern, and etc etc. Some of the shit makes me laugh out loud, and some are just kind of sad because it is true. Please check out his website: www.donnymiller.com. I ordered some other stuff, including a Sedaris book (I've never read him) and also a charger for my long ass plane ride. I wish I could dl some movies onto my ipod, since that's what it's built for (I have the newest one) but since I don't have a comp, etc etc. I did upload a bunch of music last night, including the Miss Saigon, Les Mis, and Evita soundtracks...haha solo sing-a-longs will ensue. Oouf.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
oouf, sorry for the lack of updates.
I've been somewhat busy; moving, lack of internet access in the Bruns (everyone's moving out...no more hijacked signal!), working, etc etc. I can't believe I'm moving out soon, but I've been spending some time at home, trying to get adjusted. I think it'll be okay. It will be a blessing to do laundry at will, instead of waiting for three loads and all my towels to be dirty to go do it.
I'm a bit concerned with the idea of transition. As you know, I will be going away to the Philippines for a month, so I won't really have time to settle my room back at my parents' until july...I will be only picking out the stuff I need to bring with me. I do have grand ideas for my room...maybe I will be further inspired in the PI...I'm going to buy a lot of capiz...so pretty. I'm thinking yellow, a giant bird mural (of sorts...), and finally, the use of this beautiful capiz shell lamp my mom got for me a couple of years ago when she last went to the PI. I have the summer to work on it.
It'll be different to be actually settled...when my parents first moved down to Princeton, I was moving away to RI so I didn't really make an attempt to decorate or put everything away. Then when I moved back during the first 2 years at RU when I commuted, I didn't bother, because I didn't have time and didn't feel like it...my room was a mess. And, last summer, I knew I was moving back to New Brunswick so everything remained in boxes. Hmpf. Well, it's all coming out now, and honestly, I don't know where I'm going to put everything! I'm too much of a hoarder/packrat/consumer for my own damn good.
I am excited about building a craft space in the basement. It sucks that there isn't much natural light that goes on there, I really hate florescent lighting. The pool table is also a distraction. Perhaps I can hone my sewing skills and brush up on my game...the summer holds many a plan.
Other summer plans: get a new job. Katie, one of the three close friends I have at work, is leaving, and I am Determined to get any job that's not B&N when I get back. I really really really hope I can find something. They promoted this girl, Dara to head cashier and she is the SUCK. omg. I'm super catty about her, because she, well sucks. She told me that she needed to 'thrive' in an urban environment because as a 'poor little Jewish girl from Hightstown' she just ' Needed' it, so she went to school in Wayne, NJ. Okay, I used to work in Wayne, and yes, it is close to Paterson but UM it's not that bad! Plus she had the nerve to try to one -up me, when HELLO! I go to school in New Brunswick , home to the rape/gunshot/mugging special. Not that the Bruns has worried me during the time I've lived there; I've been smart and not do dumb things like walk around on the wrong side of town at 3 am, etc etc, but UMMM it just peeved me she would say something like that. I grew up on the southside of Bloomfield, mother fucker. Not saying I'm fucking balls-tough or what have you, but PLEASE don't try to fucking one up me with that. PLEASE. She does that with a lot of things, and she has a bossy streak, and she sucks and she said she was once engaged to someone who lived on Busch , and um she looks like a horse. OOUF!! SQUARED!
Well, I got to head back to New Brunswick, pack, and go to sleep. I am supposed to go to my friend Lillie's pinning tomrrow morning (she finished nursing! ) but I have to call her about that.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Okay, kids. I'm officially an alumnus of Rutgers College.
Yay! Boy, what I would pay Not to have to go through the ceremony ever again! It was nice, but seeing that my best friends were graduating at other colleges or had already, I didn't have any one close to share the moment with. Plus, it was hot and we were standing around for a while, just because RC screwed up with the order, so we all had to move around. By the time we sat down, I was starving and tired. The night before I didn't get too much sleep because I was too nervous/excited about today.
We had a lot of speakers, including two student class officiers. The girl who did the class address SUCKED. She seemed very full of herself, and I'm sure she meant to say some good stuff and whatever, but most of her speech was about her and how when she came to Rutgers she met poor people. Well, at least that's how it sounded to me, my family,my cousins, and those sitting around me. What an idiot. She sucked. But the class president had a really awesome speech, about memories at Rutgers and things very unique to Rutgers, and though I'm not an overly sentimental person regarding Rutgers, it does hold a special place in my heart. Afterall, I did spend four years growing up and learning about myself in the dirty bruns. When I have kids, I'll bring them around and show them all the places their mother fell over drunk.
So in honor of graduation here is a list of things that will be missed about Rutgers/New Brunswick:
1. The fact that free food was at my fingertips- via special events, the genorosity of friends' meal plans, sneaking into Brower (that's right! I snuck in like five times, motherfuckers! because i am the awesome)
2. The way the sidewalks sparkle because of all the broken glass that litters the pavement
3. 110 Louis st. It was the better of the two apartments I've lived at in New Bruns, and it and my huge attic room will be sorely missed.
4. the basement of 27 Robinson St. Though this house was dubbed the 'shit house', many a good memories had taken place there: the fall Radigals all-lady rock show, Fourway-Milkshake danceoffs, shows, shows, and shows from 2004-2005.
5. West End cafe. Who cares that it's been taken over by public planning grad students? I love the atmostphere, especially on Saturday mornings.
6. La Familia pizza. Good pizza, hands down
7. The widespread availbility of Arizona 24 oz cans of sweet goodness. oh man. now I have to drive to get to such thirst-quenching remedies.
8. Bishop Quad on College Ave- the area for Hot Dog Day, and when the weather got nicer, my ass was parked on those benches reading.
9. The Lost and Found/the Alpha Phi Omega office. Oh man, so many useful minutes/hours have been spent here, doing stuff such as crosswords, gossip, dancing, eating, banter, interviewing, that could have been spent else where, but who cares? It was fun and it was always a place I could count on finding someone cool there (well, for the most part).
10. drinking. because obviously, college would have not been the same without watermelon flavored smirnoff (drank straight out of the bottle, because me and Emily were champs that night), peach schnapps, PBR, Miller High Life, Jack Daniels, and the assorted sodas and juices to accompany it. Thank you, thank you.
hmm. I have a couple more, that I can't think of. I'm realing from how tired I am- I had a dream last night that I forgot my cap and had to walk back and get it and by the time I got back to campus, graduation was over. Geez. Also, my hair is a mess, and I'm somewhat regretting the fact that I lobbed off three inches. But, in the Philippines, I will probably be wanting to cut off all my hair.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
This weekend was Fun. I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm out of school...granted, I will have to strap down and get a full time job eventually (well, I'm working at B&N full time now, but yeah. like a 9-5er or summin) but whatever. I'm enjoying myself like crazy.
Saturday, me and Marilou went to Medieval Times with Rutgers College Senior Week. It was fun, though it is only now mildly charming, and the fact that me and Lou had to sit across an aisle from each other. Our knight, the Yellow Knight won (after a -we-thought-you-were-dead-scenario and then he came and saved the kingdom from some corrupt chancellor or whatevs) and he was hot. What's good, yellow knight?? What's REALLY GOOD! hehe. He threw me a flower (woo!). The food was good, and I almost picked my chicken clean. haha
Later on that day, that night, Marilou and two friends from back in the day, from JWU went out. So much fun! i actually ventured out to the college-bar Easton Ave places, which I would not venture into otherwise, but with a couple of shots and drinks, I took them on....me and Lou had decided we wanted to dance somewhere, so we went to both Olde Queens and the Knight Club (RU's mascot are the Scarlet Knights) and we shook our booties ferociously. We ran into Emily, Diana, Zach, and Steve too on Easton (they were at PJ's pizza) and Em and Di ventured into the Knight Club for a bit of dancing. FUN! I was feeling really good....woo! i haven't been out dancing in a while. Now I can't wait for Megha's birthday on Friday in the city. Dance-PARTY! yay.
Today was mother's day. Mommy had to work, and so did I, so I went over for a little bit after I closed and gave her my gift- a pretty blue floral candle fromBath and Body and some fancy tea from work. She liked it. We were going to call grandpa, cos his birthday was yesterday, but he was at therapy (remember the time difference) so we will talk to him another time. I can't believe its less than a month until I go to the PI. I'm soooo excited.....
and I just can't hide it.
This weekend was Fun. I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm out of school...granted, I will have to strap down and get a full time job eventually (well, I'm working at B&N full time now, but yeah. like a 9-5er or summin) but whatever. I'm enjoying myself like crazy.
Saturday, me and Marilou went to Medieval Times with Rutgers College Senior Week. It was fun, though it is only now mildly charming, and the fact that me and Lou had to sit across an aisle from each other. Our knight, the Yellow Knight won (after a -we-thought-you-were-dead-scenario and then he came and saved the kingdom from some corrupt chancellor or whatevs) and he was hot. What's good, yellow knight?? What's REALLY GOOD! hehe. He threw me a flower (woo!). The food was good, and I almost picked my chicken clean. haha
Later on that day, that night, Marilou and two friends from back in the day, from JWU went out. So much fun! i actually ventured out to the college-bar Easton Ave places, which I would not venture into otherwise, but with a couple of shots and drinks, I took them on....me and Lou had decided we wanted to dance somewhere, so we went to both Olde Queens and the Knight Club (RU's mascot are the Scarlet Knights) and we shook our booties ferociously. We ran into Emily, Diana, Zach, and Steve too on Easton (they were at PJ's pizza) and Em and Di ventured into the Knight Club for a bit of dancing. FUN! I was feeling really good....woo! i haven't been out dancing in a while. Now I can't wait for Megha's birthday on Friday in the city. Dance-PARTY! yay.
Today was mother's day. Mommy had to work, and so did I, so I went over for a little bit after I closed and gave her my gift- a pretty blue floral candle fromBath and Body and some fancy tea from work. She liked it. We were going to call grandpa, cos his birthday was yesterday, but he was at therapy (remember the time difference) so we will talk to him another time. I can't believe its less than a month until I go to the PI. I'm soooo excited.....
and I just can't hide it.
Friday, May 12, 2006
It's rainy, and hopefully it'll turn into a thunderstorm. i love thunderstorms.
I went to the Dean's Reception for graduation Rutgers College seniors. It was at the Zimmereli Art gallery, and it was pretty swanky. There was a table-sized tray of cocktail shrimp! They were pretty big too. There were all sorts of swanky treats; smoked salmon and caviar, scallops, choco-dipped strawberries. There was free wine and beer, and a champagne toast. I hung out with Rachit and Marilou, the latter of which we took lots of FHC pictures (see my myspace). We felt like adults. I also knocked an entire glass of wine onto my dress. what a spazz...
Tonight was a perfect college night. I danced in my room, with only the lamps on, singing Kelly Clarkson and New Order at the top of my lungs, came down to see Susie, Beth, and John playing N64, went out with Emily, Zach, Diana, and her two friends from home to Stuff Yer Face for fishbowls and bolis, had a nice chat with Susie about stuff after the lights flickered on and off, chain smoked out of my window. I'm going to miss this house so much!
The rain's picking up and I'm loving it.
It's rainy, and hopefully it'll turn into a thunderstorm. i love thunderstorms.
I went to the Dean's Reception for graduation Rutgers College seniors. It was at the Zimmereli Art gallery, and it was pretty swanky. There was a table-sized tray of cocktail shrimp! They were pretty big too. There were all sorts of swanky treats; smoked salmon and caviar, scallops, choco-dipped strawberries. There was free wine and beer, and a champagne toast. I hung out with Rachit and Marilou, the latter of which we took lots of FHC pictures (see my myspace). We felt like adults. I also knocked an entire glass of wine onto my dress. what a spazz...
Tonight was a perfect college night. I danced in my room, with only the lamps on, singing Kelly Clarkson and New Order at the top of my lungs, came down to see Susie, Beth, and John playing N64, went out with Emily, Zach, Diana, and her two friends from home to Stuff Yer Face for fishbowls and bolis, had a nice chat with Susie about stuff after the lights flickered on and off, chain smoked out of my window. I'm going to miss this house so much!
The rain's picking up and I'm loving it.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
i'm so tired...I've been kind of bummed out as of late....I guess this is what happens after college? Maybe, maybe not. My fonts are going to be all messed up, because for some reason on Emily's browser, the options don't come up to change it.
i'm tired cos I worked 8-4 today, hauling various titles for Summer Reading into shelves and shifting them all over the place. Yesterday, I worked 7-3, but last night I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep because I went out with Emily, Jen A, and Bryan. We went to Mccorms, which was super quiet, but impulsively went to West Long Branch to get food at the Windmill. Fun fun fun!
I got another grade today, a B+ in Civil Rights. I can't complain, because I got a low C on the first exam, so it's pretty good. Still waiting on myth, however.
Tomorrow is the Dean's Reception for graduating seniors. time to be fancy and sassy.
i'm tired cos I worked 8-4 today, hauling various titles for Summer Reading into shelves and shifting them all over the place. Yesterday, I worked 7-3, but last night I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep because I went out with Emily, Jen A, and Bryan. We went to Mccorms, which was super quiet, but impulsively went to West Long Branch to get food at the Windmill. Fun fun fun!
I got another grade today, a B+ in Civil Rights. I can't complain, because I got a low C on the first exam, so it's pretty good. Still waiting on myth, however.
Tomorrow is the Dean's Reception for graduating seniors. time to be fancy and sassy.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006

sorry for the lack of updates this weekend. it's been really weird/nice/awesome/tiring.
It was so slow at work yesterday, I started reading War and Peace. For serious. I also started the DaVinci Code, but I think I might cave in an buy it and join the masses. I mean Audrey Tatou is going to be in the movie, so it can't be that bad, right? hehe. Tomorrow I have to work 7-3, covering for Katie. I can't fathom how I'll wake up that early.
Yesterday I watched Me and You and Everyone We Know. I liked it, a little slow, but visually stimulating. I'm making it a goal to watch a lot of movies since I don't have much to do. I was going to rent something, but I might just re-watch Amelie. Because, it's the best.
Today, I have to put together some stuff to bring home. Oouf. I hate moving.
I got a bunch of pictures developed, but only brought half to scan, so I guess I'll have to come back on wednesday or something to put them on. The picture here is of me and beth @ banquet for APO.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
cos suveys are fun! (i promise my posts won't turn into one survey after another)
Re: Your 8th grade year in Middle School is supposed to be "the worst year of your life." Let's see how much you remember. I know for some it might be hard for you to go back that far! (yes, it is. )
Graduation Year: 1998
1. Who were your best friends?Megha (we grew apart during middle school though), UM...I kind of don't really remember
2. What sports did you play? intermural archery.
3. Did you take your lunch? i switched it up, but usually got fries
4. It's Friday night, where were you? reading in my room...going on the INTERNET
5. Were you a party animal?I only went to Lillie's parties
6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? No
7. Ever skip school? No. i was pretty straight laced.
8. Ever smoke?No
9. Were you a nerd? sorta. i was AWKWARD, how about that?
10. Did you get suspended/expelled? no
11. Can you sing the alma mater? I don't think we had one
12. Who was your favorite teacher?crazy, short, sassy MRs. Burns for 8th Grade English and homeroom, i don't remember anybody else
13. Favorite class? art, history
14. What was your schools full name? Bloomfield Middle School
15. School mascot? the Bengals, same as the HS
16. Did you go to the dances? yes, i went to 'canteens' and danced horribly (lots of grinding and all that bullshit)
17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? NO
18. What do you remember most about 8th grade? crushing badly on Mike Vargas in the beginning of the year, and then Will Balbin at the end (who I ended up dating for five days freshman year), um wearing cheap sweater vests because I couldn't afford nice ones from the GAP, Liillie's party, hating myself and Sanrio.
19. Favorite memory of your 8th grade year? leaving middle school
20. Did you have a job your 8th grade year? no
21. Where did you sit for lunch? one of the tables by the snack bar area of the cafe with wendy, jonnae, etc
22. Have you gained weight since then? yeah
23. What did you do after graduation? don't remember. i'm sure it wasn't anything interesting!
24. Did you like your eighth grade year? not compared to high school.
25. What was the name of your first real boyfriend/girlfriend? i didn't have oneuntil freshman year if you want to even count that. haha.
it is so hot/nice outside!
Not much going on. I'm back at the lab with a small to-do list, which includes printing out all my undergrad papers for my 'academic portfolio'.
I finished the Glass Castle last night. Very good. I'm starting on The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It's like 500 pages, so it should take up some time. I had started reading Reading Lolita in Tehran back in February but it's one of those situations that I haven't picked it up in a while, and I forgot what the damn book is about/characters (there are a bunch of names), etc but I don't feel like starting it over. Maybe later. I have all this time now and junk.
Lately, I've been listening to music and singing outloud when I'm walking around. I'm attracting stares. Especially since most of the time I butcher everything I sing. Woot!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
so, now as i'm done with college, I really don't know what to do with myself! haha.
I started reading the Glass Castle. It's Jeanette Wall's memoir- look it up on amazon or something if you're interested, it's pretty good so far. Sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me cringe, because some of the stuff the kids went through when they were younger was fucked up. Whoa. But, yeah after banquet and post-banquet, I went home and read 50 pages. Fun!
Today, not much planned. I'm going to Q-dobes with Reeta for lunch and then hanging out with some people for belated birthdayness @ Thomas Sweet. I might buy my cap and gown. Hmm. Maybe not. haha. I need a planner to take notes for all the junk I have to do/want to do. There aren't many cute or compact planners on the market however. Maybe i will make my own- I have time now! woohoo!
Monday, May 01, 2006
so, it's my last day of college; nothing too exciting. I did have a serious of semi-panic attacks yesterday and I wanted to scream after finishing the 12 pager for Comp Feminism, but otherwise I treated myself to a 2:30 AM dance party to my pseudo -Club Hell/80s playlist on my ipoddie.
When I took the bus to Douglass for class, we passed by the fountain, where they were rallying for International Workers/Immigrant Rights Day. It made me happy to see all those people there, i wish I could join them, but I have to study for an exam and make up more excuses. In class, some ladies were acting all pissy about it. It got on my nerves, and what made me a little bit more pissed was that they were all white. If anything we're not Native Americans, so I don't think anyone in that classroom had to really say anything. So, if you're reading this and it's still early in the day, don't buy anything, don't sell anything, and show some form of solidarity. I am a first generation kid here in the states, and granted, i live in a middle-class subdivision in princeton, and that's because my parents' worked their asses off. These workers and immigrants are doing the same thing, so we should be discounting their efforts. It's hard. It's hard probably where they are from, and it's just as hard here. I think it's hard for most people anyway. They're picking up the grunt work that other people probably won't ever dream of wanting to do (PLEASE don't try that taking jobs away from American bullshit with me), so tell the cleaning lady or they dude who's making your sandwich THANKS once in a while.
I'm just really anxious to finish the day up. I'm super tired too.
When I took the bus to Douglass for class, we passed by the fountain, where they were rallying for International Workers/Immigrant Rights Day. It made me happy to see all those people there, i wish I could join them, but I have to study for an exam and make up more excuses. In class, some ladies were acting all pissy about it. It got on my nerves, and what made me a little bit more pissed was that they were all white. If anything we're not Native Americans, so I don't think anyone in that classroom had to really say anything. So, if you're reading this and it's still early in the day, don't buy anything, don't sell anything, and show some form of solidarity. I am a first generation kid here in the states, and granted, i live in a middle-class subdivision in princeton, and that's because my parents' worked their asses off. These workers and immigrants are doing the same thing, so we should be discounting their efforts. It's hard. It's hard probably where they are from, and it's just as hard here. I think it's hard for most people anyway. They're picking up the grunt work that other people probably won't ever dream of wanting to do (PLEASE don't try that taking jobs away from American bullshit with me), so tell the cleaning lady or they dude who's making your sandwich THANKS once in a while.
I'm just really anxious to finish the day up. I'm super tired too.
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