Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Holy, crap! Tastespotting is back up!!!! AMAZING!!!

Other amazing news, Carin and I have a blog now:


That business means, Oh my fucking god! PERFECT DAY! It's really just fodder for us to fuel our boredom at work, and post things we like and things we do, eat, make, etc. CHECK IT OUT.

I'm working on getting healthy!! I's weird. But when I realized I have gained 18 lbs since probably this time last year (EEEEEK!) I was like ENOUGH! I need to get fit..having an office job shouldn't be an excuse.

I'm doing this without a gym, so I'm on a running program where I run for about 15-20 mintues (mixed with power walking) every other day or so. I'm going to start doing weights and other sculpting exercises. I am weighing and trying to control portions. Wish me luck!

My target weight is back to 135. Let's see how it goes.