It's nice not having work on Fridays. Granted, I should be working on stuff for school, and that's why I took a couple of Fridays off, but today I haven't really done anything. Oh well. I was planning to go to the library, but I can do that tomorrow. Yesterday I was feeling the illest I have felt the whole week so I slept for four hours and lounge around the house until I felt better. John, Beth, and I did go for a walk later on that night for ice cream- such a nice night.
So today, I'm going to read some outside and then go home and clean myself. I feel so stank. I'm also feeling a much better. Then we have our Radigals picnic later on today. I have to go pick up pizzas. I hate having the only car in the group. Gary is also coming over tonight. I think I might by him pigs in the blanket for us to share later, because last time we went to Mike's apartment they ate all of them (see later posts). I'm excited to see him.
I left a couple of posts on my cousin's facebook about our trip to the Philippines. I'm excited to hang out with him and my other cousins. In preparation for my trip I bought the Rough Guide to the Philppines as well as a compact history of the Philippines. I hope I'm not disappointed by my purchases. I also decided I need a new backpack and some pants. I like to shop for vacations.
Lately I've been seeing a lot of commericials about this particular Pres. Reagan commemorative dime. The infommercial is pretty hilarious; the voice over talks about how 'Americans are taking to the streets to demand Pres. Reagan be on a new dime'. What bullshit! omg. If anything, if there are Americans flocking to the streets in protest (they showed pictures of people with banner and marching...seriously) for a president's face on a dime they need to be shot. Seriously. Reagan was a shitty president, his foreign policy destroyed a shitload of countries, his anti-poverty/welfare policies created more hunger, poor people, homelessness, and greater disaparity between the rich and the poor, and his wife looked like she needed to be fucking fed. #$^$%^@! I like the fact that there are probably idiots rallying around this bullshit and it saddens me that people are not rallying around better, more productive issues. I mean, I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say that I'm on the streets, fucking struggling, but at least be fucking aware. I love that I took this Civil Rights class and that I'm becoming more aware about postcolonialism, imperialism, and this machine that is unfortunately our government. Within myself, it gets confusing- part of me wants to care, and part of me want to fucking go out there with bats, flyers, papers, fists in the air and say what I have on my mind. Other times I just want to be content in my little world, listening to my ipod, typing away on a computer, sewing, crafting, consuming, etc. I guess I still have to figure out that perfect balance- if one exists.
please tell my sister that reagan was a bad president. I don't think she realizes this.
also, hooray for late night walks.
omg Reagan SUCKED!
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