Monday, May 08, 2006

sorry for the lack of updates this weekend. it's been really weird/nice/awesome/tiring.

It was so slow at work yesterday, I started reading War and Peace. For serious. I also started the DaVinci Code, but I think I might cave in an buy it and join the masses. I mean Audrey Tatou is going to be in the movie, so it can't be that bad, right? hehe. Tomorrow I have to work 7-3, covering for Katie. I can't fathom how I'll wake up that early.

Yesterday I watched Me and You and Everyone We Know. I liked it, a little slow, but visually stimulating. I'm making it a goal to watch a lot of movies since I don't have much to do. I was going to rent something, but I might just re-watch Amelie. Because, it's the best.

Today, I have to put together some stuff to bring home. Oouf. I hate moving.

I got a bunch of pictures developed, but only brought half to scan, so I guess I'll have to come back on wednesday or something to put them on. The picture here is of me and beth @ banquet for APO.

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