Thursday, October 04, 2007

I have been in my pjs all day with both my laptops in bed, in almost complete darkness. Being sick sucks!

I am rarely sick. I get migraines once in a while, and some lady problem crampage during that time of the month, but other than that I am a walking stamp of health. Well, not really :) But for the past week, I've had a sinus headache, allergies, a slight fever, a toothache, and cramps like I've never had before. Yes, yes, I should get to a doctor, but with the problems with my insurance, I have had to change over all my doctors. SIGH. New general practitioner, gyno. Gah. Insurance is frustrating.

Last night I made a big old pot of chicken vindaloo. So tasty. Ate it with fresh cilantro and greek yogurt (i've fallen in love with fage yogurt, good, plain!). I had it for lunch and I will have it again for dinner. Indian food is such a treat because Nick is not a big fan of it, so I rarely get to make it or eat it if we go out, so cooking up a huge quantity will keep me appeased until the next time I can get to it.

Also, I am working on quitting smoking! Seriously! I haven't bought a pack in a about three weeks- which is a step. I haven't had a cigarette in the last 3 days, and have broken the smoking-in-my-car habit. I still nipped a bit during the past two weeks if I was around smokers, but only 1 or 2, definitely not as much as I used to smoke. Yay! It's pretty liberating- I like not having to depend on making a stop to a store or anywhere when I don't need anything else, and spending that 5.00-7.00 dollars per pack. It's nice to have some cash left in my wallet- more money to spend on pretty clothes.

Speaking of pretty things, I finally got a pair of boots I enjoy:

They're a bit wrinkly on the bottom, but tuck really well into my jeans.


Anonymous said...

post a recipe! I've never attempted to cook indian food because I find it so intimidating. But if I could cook it, I'd be the happiest person in the world.

Anonymous said...

ps i like your new color layout

christine. said...

Thank you Q! I will post the recipe now.. :)