Thursday, July 20, 2006

*yet AGAIN, another Project Runway entry*=Spoilers and Yes, this will probably be a weekly thing.
So last night's challenge was to design an evening gown for MIss USA, Tara Conner. Another catch was that they were to work in teams of 2. I'm not a huge fan of team challenges, for we only see half of the contestants designs come to fruition, but it makes for interesting banter and Drama.
The look on Kayne's face when they all found out that they were designing for Miss USA was effing priceless! He must have been sooooo excited, afterall pagents are his fucking thing. I was so happy for him! The gown that him and Robert worked on came out really nice; it wasn't some crazy flamingo pink/green sequined atrocity. I was so happy that he won; during the whole challenge, he didn't parade around like Mr. "I know EVERYTHING when it comes to marching these skinny bitches down a pagent runway, so non' ya'll have a DAMN chance winnin' dis!" and it was just so effing appropriate that he wins. If he doesn't come away from PR as the winner, he at least has a really awesome 'resume' booster of designing Miss USA's gown for Miss Universe; his clientele will love that shit. Plus of the night: Robert and Kayne together. LOVE IT & I WANT TO SEE MORE. too cute and funny!
I was sorry to see Malan go. Though that gown looked like some effing hershey kisses melted onto some shorn satin, he was somewhat growing on me. I think it was the sob story about his mother telling him he was worthless when it came to designing. He took his auf'ing very graciously, admitting on the runway that he would have to be the one to go. I hope he succeeds in design in some aspect....maybe Austin Scarlett will adopt him and they can be coutour princesses together...they both LOVE glamour and I'm such AS will love that effing accent.
Jeffrey also didn't annoy me too much. I loved his quip when he remarked his initial reaction to the word pagent, associating it with Jon Benet. Ha. Pagents are redoc. He hates too much though on other people's work. I didn't understand his 'iron warrior princess' whatever look. The one strap just looked as if it was constantly falling off the model's shoulder.
Laura's dress didn't impress me too much either, looked like any typical pagent gown from the past. It wasn't too exciting, but it was dated or ugly. I did like Keith's and Uli's, very modern and flowy....though I didn't picture Keith's in a pagent setting, maybe more like a Red-Carpet dress.
IMO, I think Angela should have gotten the boot. But i think that decision would have been too much based on teamwork vs. design concept. I did not see her lift a finger throughout the whole thing and in the beginning when she was pestering and badgering Kayne?! holy shit, I would have busted that bitch in her mouth. ALSO the way she sat with Tara Conner during the idea pitch was totally unprofessional and amateur. I can't believe she had the nerve, after the way she acted during the pitch, to critique Vincent's dress as "Something I made in college". Well, honey sorry not everyone can have gowns that people mistake for effing YVES SAINT LAURENT. Granted, Vincent is a little crazy ("I need you to stay three feet away from me"? Well, come to think of it if I had country ho bitch Ang telling me that we're running out of time/shit is ugly/ and not supporting my vision- if she had to critique, she should have done it constructively. If there's another team challenge, NO ONE is going to want to work with her) but he was team leader, and I think if anything, they all knew Vincent was crazy, but at least he could sew, and she should have been cooperative in order to counter-act his craziness.
Angela, please pull your fucking head out of the air and realize your bubble skirts are FUG SQUARED. I hate the bubble skirt/riding boot ensembles. She looks like fucking Pippi Longstocking and she should be maimed with a pair of shears. Oouf.
Anyway, I was reading Tim's Take and he noted that many of the designers were short on time. Hmm. One has to wonder how much time they truly have to execute their designs...though they are given '2 days', I'm sure their shit is all over the place- doing their 'confessionals', eating, shopping for their materials, mulling their design over...etc etc. I guess the time constraint is something the 3 (or 4 rather) finalists are really eager to shed for their final collections. Good design comes with time....well, for the most part.
Anyway, I added another 5 movies to my netflix. Today at work I was talking about how I tried arranging my selections by some theme; foreign, by director, actress/actor, style, genre, etc, and how I did an Artist theme; Basquiat, Pollack, and Freida, but instead of pronouncing Pollack as in Jackson Pollack, i said POLL-ACK as in racial slur. Oops my bad! ha. It was sort of funny. I flub things like that all the time. Alas, my first choice will be arrive tomorrow, and maybe during the day on Sunday I will watch it. oouf. At least So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight, though it is not the same watching it by myself, rather than with Miss Emily and Beth @ 110 Louis. Oh, the memories!. ha.


Anonymous said...

Project Runway is awesome, but all of those reality show things drive me crazy because I end up hating people more (and I definitely don't need that). So I always turn the channel. I don't like seeing my belief that there are ridiculous amounts of annoying and idiotic people out there so thoroughly affirmed.

Top on my Netflix list right now: Brokeback Mountain, Pride and Prejudice, Chronicles of Narnia, annnnd... Madagascar(?). I don't know why. LOL.


christine. said...

i loooved chronicles of narnia! i heard you can look at people/friend's queue's if you search so i will check yours out.