Friday, December 08, 2006


Today was a nice day. I opened at work and the hours flew by. It got so busy at one point, that I couldn't make it 10 ft without a bunch of old ladies asking me where christmas cards/home decorating/Snow Flower and the Secret Fan/the free giftwrap were. I got the spend the latter half of my day with my mom, which was nice because we haven't hung out in a while. We did the typical holiday ritual of shopping: picked up the xbox 360 for my brother, went to the mall, where I bought grown up clothes- a pretty silk top and new pair of hott jeans from Express, and a creme tank top and pencil skirt at the Limited (where GASP, i'm a size 4 in bottoms...hollla). I also got my xmas gift:

say hello to my new baby:

Any name suggestions?

I picked up some stuffers for my packages for nisha and tricia, and finally settled on my secret santa gift with my friends. Phew. I just have to pick up some stuff for the little cousins, the boyfriend, and all the baking supplies i will need to make my goodies. YAY.

Hmm..last night went to see the Evens with B. A. and Jen A. VERY GOOD! It was in the basement of the FU Church, in Philly, which I've never been too. I can say confidenttly that it was one of the best shows I've been to in a long time. It was in the basement, on a small stage, with just two standard lamps lighting either end of it. The atmosphere was so nice. Almost surreal. Like me and 50 or so of my closest friends were laying around the family room, listening to Ian MacKaye and Amy Ferina seranade us in between games of Trivial Pursuit and a 30 pack case of Pabst. The fan base was older, nicer, and generally all in awe of Ian's presence. I'm not a huge fan of Minor Threat, Fugazi, etc; I like them, but I can't say they're my favorite bands, but it was really cool because he was so personable and ready to take pictures with whoever asked, sign everyone's vinyl, and talk to anyone who approach him. Some older fans at the show had adorable kids, around the age of 4-5, who sat on one end of the stage, getting into the music. Fucking punk rock, right there. The people in front of us always asked if we were able to see. There was sing-a-longs and epic fade outs; overall a very good time.

Sad news: I had been somewhat following the story going on in the West Coast about the Kim Family. If yr not familiar with the case, the young couple and their two small children went missing after a trip during Thanksgiving weekend. I just read that the wife and her two kids, Kati Kim and Sabine and Penelope Kim are all safe and sound, but unfortunately James Kim, her husband and the father to the kids did not make it. Kati and James Kim were known in the San Francisco craft scene, as they were owners of two boutiques; Doe and the Church Street Apothocary. Apparently, the family had gotten snowbound on route home in Southern Oregon, and James died while hiking in the storm for help. After reading the story, I became overwhelmingly sad...I don't know why. Probably because it's one of those stories that you follow up with a , 'That's so happened so close to the holidays'. So, as I was getting my consumerism on today, I think the best part of it, was just hanging out with my mom. We didn't fight, she didn't rag on me for smoking, we talked about life and friends and family and eveyrthing else under the sun, and it was just a good ending to a long, tiring day.


elephantcore. said...
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elephantcore. said...
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Anonymous said...

Ahhh.. sounds like a nice nice day. At least I can distract myself from the mega-stress in my life by reading posts like yours. Which is why you should post more often!!