Thursday, January 04, 2007

here's my obligatory new year's post....a few days late.

-So, another year has come down to unleash it's wrath upon us. Yay. I have the same old resolutions, and maybe this time I will keep some of them:

1. Lose weight.
Well, I've been doing okay with this. I dropped 15 lbs throughout the year due to stress, freakin', and the whole "My stomach feels like a giant knot because I don't know what to do about Gary or Patrick or my life, so all I'm going to do is drink venti iced non-fat caramel machiattos, smoke cigarettes, and get fishbowls at Stuff Yer Face" period i went through back in May. I'm getting better now; I'm considering adding yoga and exercise so I drop weight properly, all while gettin' fit n' shit. Though, I'm becoming more of a cook, I'm not going overboard with the crazy-bad-for you cuisine, and if anything it's better for me, rather than eating out and I can control the way my food is prepared. I just have to remember not to be all "creme-brulee-every-day" just because I have an awesome kitchen torch.

2. Quit smoking.
crap. I said I was going to quit back in november bc it would the 5 year anniversary since I picked up the awful, wallet-draining-stinky habit. But alas, I am still smoking. I've been successful this week with not smoking as much, due to the fact that my wisdom teeth on my left side are compacted with my normal teeth causing great pain. I plan to get them pulled asap, so maybe while I'm doped up on codeine, I can drop the habit once and for all.

3. Get fit.
This coincides with #1 (duh). But lately, especially being at work, I feel like my body is deteriorating. My back hurts every day (esp in the morning, as I sleep rather funny), I'm always craking my neck, and sometimes my joints just hurt for no reason. Perhaps my body is sending me a message: get in shape, bitch, or ELSE! Nick bought me a yoga mat, and I guess I can start the strip aerobics again. Oh, and there's that eliptical machine that's currently being used as a coat rack in the family room. Sigh. My ideal plan is to get up earlier each day and just do something for a 1/2 hour in the morning. I shall start that soon.

4. Get a new g-damned job.
The holidays have killed me, and I'm the point where i enter the store and I want to crawl under my FOS cart and hide. Frontlist makes me want to throw up, and I only like days when I am workgin 7 to 3, or 8-4. I hate the fact that I work late 2 days out of the week, and dammit, I need to make more money. For serious, guys. Wish me luck.

5. Um, save money.
Yeah. Whenver williams-sonoma decides to pay me, I'm going to start on that. I've opened up an saving thingie. Too bad there's no money in it yet. This will get easier if number 4 happens (the sooner the betteR).

6. Better myself/miscellaneous.
I have too many books that I haven't read. I've forgotten what umlats and proper grammar are. Spelling's atrocious. ANNND I had to ask Nick how the 3 branches of the government worked today. I've resolved to do a crossword puzzle a day, read something (anything, but preferably, something containing information that I can use when applying to grad-school, involved in a dinner conversation, or asking myself questions that I would know the answers too just in case I ever was on Jeopardy), each day, and watch the news more often.

7. Craft more.
Shit, I got my new sewing machine, and slowly the inspiration is starting to show. I wanna make aprons! Lots of them. And various cozies. I want to sell my stuff on, and wherever, not even as a full blown business, but just to make an extra buck and make pretty things. It's good for the soul.

8. Be a better friend.
i know, I know. I don't call as often, I flake out. A big SORRY. I know I'm a good friend, and even in some circumstances a friend who puts in a lot of effort, where I don't even get a phone call or email to let me know that a package has arrived safe and sound, or what have you (Sorry, just a little vent. I get a little peeved when I dno't get any sort of message that a package i've sent has gotten there. Shit, shipping stuff ain't cheap). But whatever: I'l try my best to call more, to write more, and meet up more often. And when i don't keep my word, call me out, and if anything, give me a chance to explain myself. I'm going to try my best to understand where you're coming from, too. I LOVE my friends, and I know it's hard to KIT nowadays (even with the advent of email, myspace, cell phones, etc), but always know I'm thinking of you. For realz!

9. Do that culture thing.
Go to more museums, dine at nicer places, learn more shit. I guess this goes alone with #6, but it also can go with #8 or 7. I just want to see more of the world, and though I can't afford to go to Paris, Mumbai, Thailand, or Caracas, I guess I should try to do it more in the nearby-sort of way. I am afterall in between philly and nyc, plus there's some stuff to do around here (did someone say Drumthwacket?or rather, do they give tours there?). Yeah. One of my main goals is to learn more abotu food which is attainable seeing as one of my best friends works for food and wine. I want to be a conisseur of something, even if I can't spell it correctly. I plan to sample the world's best chocolate, an expensive hobby, but perhaps someone wants to join? Split a box of fran's from seattle? yes?

10. Stop being such a bitch.
I guess this corresponds to each resolution. Stop being a brat towards my friends, family, and boyfriend. Accept things for the way they are. Don't sweat the small stuff. Keep that temper in check. Don't lash out on unsuspecting books, belongings, loved ones. Stop rolling your eyes at a customer's (stupid) question. Stop putting deragatory adjectives in parantheses. Etc, etc.

Anyhoo, I told myself I wasn't going to write down my resolutions this year, so I guess technically this doesn't count because it's being typed. It's on the record, and feel free to hold me to them. I'll try my best.

In other news, NYE itself was quite hectic and fun. I have pics up in my flickr if interested. I don't feel like typing out the whole experience, but seeing all my friends is always awesome; I am truly grateful* to have you all in my life. It was my first NYE going out to celebrate, and it was a lot of fun, and even better because I got to spend it with Nick. Though we didn't get home until 5:30 am, bc who would've thought it would be that hard to get a cab back to Christopher from the Lower East Side at 3:30 am, and the fact we're abit sniffly from being in the rain all night, it was a fun time.

*for the longest time i was spelling that word 'greatful'. I dont' even know if 'grateful' is how it's spelt correctly, nor do I know if spelt is even really a word. Anyway, I used to spell grateful-greatful, because growing up I adored the Babysitters Club books, and when Claudia Kishi, who was somewhat dumb when it came to matters of spelling, grammar, math, etc (I also liked how Claudia broke that asians-are-supersmart- thing with her whole arty deal) spelled it 'grateful', I just assumed she was making a mistake. Longwinded explanation, I know.

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