Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So, I've been on a bit of a bender....

A READING BENDER! omgomgomg.

haha. well, not really, but I hadn't finished a book in a couple of months. In fact, the only thing I remember finishing was the graphic novel, The Last Man, #1, which I got for xmas from bryan. It was really good, and g.n. are pretty easy to get through in one sitting. Before that, I read Gabriel Garcis Marquez' Memories of my Meloncholy Whores, which was back when Nick and I started to hang out/dating. I guess with being busy working at a bookstore makes me not want to read a book when I get home (it's kind of like that gyno joke...who wants to see it after it's been in yr face all day long? yeah). I started Heart Is a Lonely Hunter back in the beginning of December, and finally was able to finish it this past monday.

It is an Amazing book. I loved McCullers' prose; somewhat simple and easy to read but so evocative and real. It's a very sad book, all about isolation, dreams lost, and failure. Right now I'm 20 pgs away from finishing Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro. I read his latest book this past summer, Never Let Me Go, which I wasn't a fan of. It was one of those books that had a huge build up, then when hit the climax, kind of fell short of my expectations. Esepecially since it was such an interesting, dystopic kind of plot. However, Remains of the Day is a little different. It's about a butler and his recollections of his past employer while visiting the English countryside for the first time (he never really left Darlington Hall, his place of employment). It's also about dignity and the 'old school ' of manners and the proper place for the Help. I like picturing Stevens, the narrarator and main character strolling around the countryside, reiterating the little stories that build up his past employer's character. There's a build-up, because apparently this Lord Darlington wasn't really all great as Stevens has made him out to be, etc etc. I just hope it's not a huge let down.

After Remains...I am going to start Ian McEwan's Saturday. More dark secrets. Hidden Pasts. Stuff....

On another note, I have vacation this time next week (!!!!!). Nick and I are going to brave the cold in Portland...Maine. We're going to eat lobster, go to the art museum, go to the lighthouse that edward hopper used as his inspiration in a couple of his paintings, etc etc. We're staying at this really cute bed and breakfast in the city, and I hope to do some crafty shopping. Exciting! I am looking VERY foward to this little excursion. !

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