Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Baby Fever.

I don't have it. Well, I don't have it in the sense that I want to have a baby. The idea of a small watermelon passing through my privates makes me want to throw up. A lot. I'm also somewhat anti-children right now. I can't picture myself with a kid now, or in the future, and children over the age of six drive me nuts (there are a few exceptions. note-few). my world of exciting news, my cousin Tricia is having a baby. She's due next month, and she asked me if I would be goddmother to her new daughter. Of course I said YES. It's funny, cos I'm not religious at all, but I think it's more of an honor in name than in actually telling this child that god is great and what not. I'm spiritual but not religious...though I'll probably have to go to church for the baptism and what nots. But anyway, it's an awesome title and job, cos I get to hang out with this kid, spoil her, and then get to give her back to my cousin and cousin-in-law. The best. Also, since Tricia has gotten married, she has moved to Pennsylvania, and this kid if anything will be an excuse to send lots of letters and gifts and definitely visit.

As a responsible godmother, I am throwing her a baby shower, soon. A bunch of us in our family was supposed to throw a surprise one last month, but none of her immediate family could make it, which made it kind of pointless. I was just planning on sending her a gift, until she asked. She really wanted a baby shower, and she said that she would throw herself one, and I was like NOOOO...anyway. She is taking care of some things, such as invitations and ordering some stuff. Her husband caters, so he will be cooking, but I am taking care of everything else. I think it also gives her something to do, as she is home all day long with no one to talk to except her dog, so I think the shopping online and looking up ideas is good for her.

I am just worried as I am hoping that her side of the family- meaning her immediate family (she's my second cousin)will show up on time and get her lots of awesome gifts and give to the wishing well and not stay late. I love them all very much, but sometimes I jsut worry, cos they've collectively flaked out on family things, and it's just depressing. Also, I didn't see any of them volunteering to throw her a baby shower- in the beginning, when we decided on the first surprise one, it was me and my mom our side of the family. Oh well. I have to talk to my aunt, as it doesn't seem like Tricia has spoken to her, and get her to bring stuff. I don't mind at all putting out the money, but also, I'm not rich. And since I'm already doing a good amount, I think it's reasonable to ask them to bring some bread or something. Gah! Family is so fickle, and I just hope that everything goes well, she gets a lot of nice stuff for the new baby, and that the whole business goes smooth. It's the Saturday after Thanksgivey too, which makes for a hectic holiday weekend. Gah!

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