Monday, June 09, 2008

SATC/BSG=enough TV abbreviations to fill up my Netflix with.

Last night, Beth and I had our customary dinner date. We try to meet up every month or so for dinner and banter about our adult lives- the ups, downs, and everything in between. We changed it up and got some Middle-eastern/Mediterranean food at Evelyn's in the Bruns, which was mostly a ghost town, except for the summer stand-bys and locals. After enjoying some taro milk bubble tea ( I haven't had it in quite a long time) and a run in with Steve D. (who was surprised and almost a bit too pleased to know that the new College Pharmacy once held a laundromat...) Beth and I decided to go see Sex and the City The Movie. She is the fan- I remember her and Susie watching a beat up VHS season in our living room- also it was the same time SATC came on TBS.

I never watched SATC, save the times I had to watch it for some gender class I took my senior wintersession. It was the same time the super crazy boxed set came out, and one of the girls in my class had it. So after our lesson, we would stick around and watch a couple of episode, cos my TA was cool like that. I enjoyed what I watched, but I guess since I never had HBO I never got into it.

Anyway, I think I'm long over due for some SATC! Seriously! Apparently the outfits aren't as fabulous in the beginning, but who doesn't dream about living it up in Manhattan and having lots of cute clothes? I know I do all the time. Do people who live outside the NY metro area think that everyone lives such fabulous lives? I wonder, I wonder. I've just added seasons 1-6 on my Netflix queue. It'll have to battle out Battlestar Galactica (another tv show that I'm just getting into courtesy of my nerd guy friends), which I'm finishing up season 1 with (tonight!).

Would Carrie Bradshaw think Lee Adama was cute? Questions, questions.

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