Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Domesticity. sorta.

It's past six, and part of me is squealing because I'm missing the rerun of Martha from earlier today. I have to work on a presentation though, so I guess it's better to be constructive as opposed to sitting on my couch, eating salt and vinegar potato chips from a bag that rests on my belly, and watching Martha make something delicious.

I guess I can call myself domestic-minded. Cooking, baking, and crafting gets me really excited. It's built my reputation among my friends and family. It definitely isn't coming from a submissive stand-point; I'd probably knock you out if you told me to get into a kitchen, but more from an artistic stance. I guess cooking and baking something delicious and visually appealing (though not all creations are made equal) gives me that cathartic feeling one gets painting or sculpting, or doing some other handiwork. Crafting does that too. For example, on Saturday instead of being constructive I made 3 ipod cozies. Go me. Plus making food and baked goods and giving them/serving them to friends and family gives me a certain validation, the same when I do well on a paper or exam, or get compliments on my crafty wares.

Right now I barely have time to cook/bake, though. With school and all it's so easy to just eat something quick or pick something up on the way home. In the beginning of the semester or when I have free time I make food for me and whoever wants to eat in my apartment. It's fun, and they usually enjoy and appreciate it.

I'm dreaming of cupcakes right now. Big ones with pink and yellow frosting. I heart
http://cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com, it's the perfect substitute for the real thing. Well, sorta.

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