Thursday, April 06, 2006

Who says I can't be greedy?

So, I'm turning 23 in about 24 days, as well as going bald because I'm probably going to pull out all my hair in anger/stress during those last two weeks of April. It is an unappealing age to turn, 23. I'm losing health insurance, I can't rent a car yet, and no free tee shirts at the New Brunswick bars. However, as I have just finished my Comp. Feminism presentation, I'm going to be a consumption whore and state my birthday wish list:

-Tease! Inspired Tee-Shirt Transformations, featuring Todd Oldham, Debbie Stoller, and *Amy Sedaris*
-The Craftster's Guide to Nifty, Thrifty, and Kitschy Crafts by Leah Kramer
-Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware
-Blankets by Craig Thomsen
-32 Stories by Adrian Tomine
-The Poloroid Book by Barbara Hitchcock

crafties and shit!
-fabrics from and
-rotary cutter and mat
-Kenmore Mini ultra (too bad it doesn't have a zipperfoot attachment, but it's pink and I want 2 sewing machines!)

-Polaroid Camera and lots of film
-24 count mini cupcake tray
-cute stuff from Fred Flare!
-new headphones (not earbud ones. i'm going deaf)
-sigor ros cds (except for ( ) )

dream gifts!
-PowerBook G4
-a new car!

okay, time to go home.

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