Tuesday, April 18, 2006

your momma.
It's about 8 o'clock and I'm doing some work at the computer lab. I've decided to go to the APO (alpha phi omega; my coed fraternity I belong to) meeting today. It is the last one ever (for me) and I talked to my grandlittle Ajanta today and we had an awesome conversation. Lately I had felt somewhat disillusioned with the whole thing- a big story that's not appropriate right now. But I guess by avoiding going and being involved it was my way of doing it on my own terms; seeing people that I wanted to see genuinely, and avoiding anybody else I didn't desire too. Also, it was a way to distance myself from it- it was an important part of my college life, but it's time to move on. There'll be times when I will return as alumni, but it's almost like I had to wean myself off it. Plus, I've been super busy.
Today, my allergies started acting up in HIV/AIDS seminar. It's the only class I haven't missed, because it's double period and only once a week, but also very interesting. I enjoy the debate, but there are some people that get on my nerves in that class- what's new? hehe.
  1. "UHHH" Girl: her name is Mandy and she sucks. I'm sure she's a very nice person outside the classroom, but whenever she talks she always has these long, drawn out 'uhhhs' and 'ermms' and she talks in a valley girl-ish type of voice, and about stuff that doesn't really seem to make sense, sometimes. She makes the most convoluted arguments about the simplest things. She also inserts really/somewhat obnoxious sounding 'LIKKKKKEE?!?' in her statements. ouf.
  2. Miss States-the-Obvious: I don't her name, but I'm sure she's well meaning but she's one of those people in class who sets up really complicated information for something very obvious or simple. For example she'll be like , 'oh my sister's a nursing student, in trenton. she says the prisoners bite guards sometimes. she's been in school for 2 years. they give the guards a big amount of AZT and antiviral drugs'. Did we need to know that her sister is a nursing student? I mean, yes, if it was something like 'my sister, who is a nursing student, told me about an experience she had while doing her clinical'. ' there you go. I think she is smarter than she sounds, but whenever she brings up something she makes it sound really awesome, but it'll be along the lines of : "AIDS is a virus. No cure." yeah.
  3. Mr. Pretencious City: he does bring up good points and stuff, but I just look at his face, and he has this half smile, 'kiss the ground I walk on, because guess what? I know it all!' smug little mug on. I saw in his backpack he was taking the class 'Teachers as Researchers' and it was printed on a class reader. Mr. Wit Master crossed out the researchers and replaced it with 'tools' as in 'Teachers as Tools'. Holy shit. That would have been funny like five years ago.

But yeah. We got our second paper back and I got a b+. The first paper I got an A, so I'm not disappointed. I went home, made lunch, and then afterwards I took an allergy pill, then preceded to pass out for two hours while 'Decoding the Davinci Code' was on History International (or National Geographic..don't remember). I'm going to miss digital cable a lot when I move back home. I think we might have Nat'l Geo. but definitely not History International. So good! they have stuff that isn't about Nazis, Hitler, and military weapons on all the time! YAY! They delve into other stuff, and heavily rotate my favorites; International Profile and Infamous Murders.

Anyway, I went back on campus and after a distraction with Rachit, Beth, and John I did some work, interviewed with Ajanta, and read some more. When talking with Ajanta we found out we had alot of similarities; we're both into fashio nand crafting/sewing. She wants to start making stuff out of Indian fabrics, which she loves, and I don't blame her. They are very pretty, brightly colored, and so viscous and flowy. We talked about going against the grain, as first generation kids in the US, doing the liberal art thing, identities, Princeton (where she's from, and where I'll be relocating to- my parents). It interrupted my reading, but worth while. I love having good conversation.

I didn't get to a lot of work, but I'm not worried about it. I printed out stuff for my presentation on Emma Goldman, which we're going to discuss tomorrow in class in our groups. I'm not really worried about that- it's supposed to be eight minutes and I'm sharing it with someone. I think I have a good amount of stuff. Also, I found out in my Civil Rights class that the essay part of the exam is going to be take home! YAY! that is so much better.

But here is my workload if you care:

  • 15 page paper for Comp. Feminism
  • 8-10 pg paper for HIV/AIDS (includes finding a primary source, which I haven't done yet. Oops!)
  • 2 2 page response papers for Comp Feminism
  • 3 page response paper for Civil Rights (finished the reading, will probably do this on Thursday)
  • presentation for Women's Rights/Emma Goldman (will be done with that tomorrow most likely; also will have to work on visuals with my group and practice)
  • Civil Rights final exam- i have to super study for this one.

I think that's it. It sounds like a lot, but like I said, looking at it now, I'm not too worried.

I'm itching for some food, so I'm going to go to the ABP because I have a craving for cinnamon scones and some sort of soup or sandwich. Fun.

1 comment:

jmk said...

good luck with that workload! you can do it.. thanks for the string throw. <3